Candy Mix

The main part of a Pick & Mix store is the candy mix section. In this section, all the chocolates, candies, gummies, dragees, and even so are placed in special containers on a special candy mix stand. Our customers can choose their candies according to their tastes and preferences, as well as based on product descriptions such as flavor, content, and the rest, which are written in front of each product. For this purpose, various packaging options, such as bags and buckets, are provided. Customers can pick their favorite container and, considering that all products in this section have the same price and are sold by weight, freely add any amount of any chocolate, candy, or gummy they like, even just one, to their container and ultimately create a unique product for themselves.

What is most striking in this Pick & Mix candy mix section is the wide variety of products, with over 1,000 varieties of chocolates, candies, and gummies all together, catering to every taste for chocolate, candy, and gummies, from any flavor, sour, salty, sweet, and any color. Each visit to our store is a unique experience as you create your one-of-a-kind candy mix!